About the American Saddlebred


 In the 18th century, American colonists crossed the Narragansett Pacer with the Thoroughbred. Known as the American Horse, this cross was used in the Revolutionary War, and made its way into Kentucky. In the 1800s, the breed became known as the Kentucky Saddler. Used mainly on plantations because of its comfortable, ground-covering gaits, and sure-footed manner, it was developed into a very stylish, fancy horse: beautiful for harness, strong enough for farm work, and fast enough for match races.

In the 1830s, Morgan and Thoroughbred blood was added to give the breed more substance and action. This produced the American Saddlebred. The horse gained popularity in the 1840s. The stallion Denmark, born in 1839, became the foundation sire, with over 60% of today's Saddlebreds tracing back to this one horse. After the American Civil War ended, breeders began promoting the breed as a show horse, breeding for flash and animation, and earning the breed one its nicknames, "The Peacock of the Horse World," considered a term of admiration. Breed characteristics include well-proportioned conformation, personality, stamina, large wide set expressive eyes, well sprung ribs and a strong level back. For more information on this strong and versatile breed, please visit the American Saddlebred Horse Association.